25 de septiembre de 2011

New polio outbreak hits China

Beijing (CNN) -- An outbreak of polio has been confirmed in China for the first time since 1999, leaving one person dead and hospitalizing another nine, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The disease, a contagious viral illness that in its most severe form causes paralysis, difficulty breathing and sometimes death, broke out in the prefectures of Hotan and Bazhou in the country's western Xinjiang province.
Among the ten cases confirmed, six are in children under three years old and four are young adults.

The WHO said evidence indicates the virus is genetically linked to polio cases currently circulating in Pakistan, which borders Xinjiang. Pakistan has been affected by the nationwide transmission of the same WPV1 strain.
It also warned the virus could spread beyond the current affected area.

"Although other areas in China or other countries are not immediately at risk due to the geographic distance to the affected province, the polio virus can travel great distances and find susceptible populations, no matter where they live," Helen Yu, from the WHO's Beijing office told CNN.

According to China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Ministry of Health has dispatched a group of public health experts to the affected region to help treat the virus.

It said the local government had launched a mass vaccination campaign starting in early September. WHO confirmed initial vaccination campaigns carried out by mid-September had reached over 3.5 million children -- children being particularly vulnerable to polio.

Further vaccination campaigns will be conducted in the near future to ensure this outbreak is brought completely under control, according to the health ministry.
"No matter how long a country has been polio-free, as long as global polio eradication has not yet been achieved, the risk for importation remains and constant vigilance is required." said Yu.

Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is usually transmitted through contaminated food and water. It invades the nervous system and often leads to permanent paralysis. It can be prevented by immunization.
This is the first outbreak of polio in China since 1999, when a case was reportedly brought into the country from India.

15 de septiembre de 2011

Poliomyelitis after a twelve year incubation period.

Lola Corrales, Chairwoman Post-Polio Syndrome and Polio Affected Association - Spain, sends an article over a case of poliomyelitis after a twelve year incubation period.

Un caso de poliomielitis después de un período de incubación de doce años.

Lola Corrales, Presidenta de la Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio, envía un artículo sobre un caso de poliomielitis después de un período de incubación de doce años


7 de septiembre de 2011


Lola Corrales Presidenta de la Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio, informa que se pueden ver algunos videos de las conferencias de Polio Conference 2011 - Copenhague, 31 de agosto - 2 septiembre. 


Lola Corrales, Chairwoman Post-Polio Syndrome and Polio Affected Association - Spain, inform that can see already some lectures of the Post Polio Conference 2011 - Copenhagen, August 31 - September 2.


5 de septiembre de 2011

More information over intravenous immunoglobulin treatment.

Lola Corrales, Chairwoman Post-Polio Syndrome and Polio Affected Association - Spain, send an article of Dr. Richar L. Bruno over intravenous immunoglobulin treatment. 


Mas información sobre el tratamiento con immunoglobulina intravenosa.

Lola Corrales, Presidenta de la Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio, envía un artículo del Dr.. Richard L. Bruno, sobre el tratamiento con inmunoglobulina intravenosa.

4 de septiembre de 2011

Lola Corrales Presidenta de la Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio, informa que la Conferencia celebrada en Copenhague, ha sido muy positiva para el intercambio de ideas con las organizaciones de otros paises. Destaca también el importante numero de profesionales de la Sanidad presentes en la Conferencia. En las ponencias médicas se ha puesto de manifiesto, lo mucho que queda por hacer y las diferencias existentes sobre el enfoque de las causas del Síndrome Post-Polio
Lola Corrales, Chairwoman Post-Polio Syndrome and Polio Affected Association - Spain, inform that the Post-polio Syndrome Conference held in Copenhagen, was very positive for the exchange of ideas with organizations in other countries. Also noteworthy is the significant number of health professionals attended the Conference. The medical papers have shown, how much remains to be done and the differences on the approach to the causes of Post-Polio Syndrome.