28 de marzo de 2016

Maestra agrede a niño con discapacidad. Maestra colpisce bambino disabile. Teacher knocks a disabled child

Una maestra le da un rodillazo en la espalda a un niño con discapacidad haciendole caer al suelo. Posteriormente fue detenida por la policia y perdió su trabajo.

Una maestra dare una ginocchiata sulla schiena a un bambino disabile. Dopo la pubblicazione delle immagini è stata licenziata.

The boy standing outside the entrance of a classroom when Stripling appears from behind the open door and she is pushing her left knee into his back with such force he flies forwards and lands face first on the floor. Stripling was arrested on felony charges of cruelty to a child after she turned herself in Friday and no longer working for the school system.

21 de marzo de 2016

Abuses against people with disabilities in Indonesia

A report drawn up by Human Rights Watch “Living in Hell: Abuses against People with Psychosocial Disabilities in Indonesia” examines how people with mental health conditions often end up chained or locked up in overcrowded and unsanitary institutions, without their consent, due to stigma and the absence of adequate community-based support services or mental health care. In institutions, they face physical and sexual violence, involuntary treatment including electroshock therapy, seclusion, restraint and forced contraception.

Shackling people with mental health conditions is illegal in Indonesia and yet it remains a widespread and brutal practice.

Indonesia encadena a las personas con discapacidad

Human Rights Watch ha elaborado un informe titulado “Vivir en el infierno: abusos contra personas con discapacidad psicosocial en Indonesia”, que examina cómo las personas con problemas de salud mental a menudo acaban encadenadas o encerradas – sin su consentimiento – en instituciones hacinadas e insalubres debido al estigma y a la ausencia de servicios de apoyo comunitarios adecuados y de atención de salud mental. En las propias instituciones, afrontan violencia física y sexual; tratamientos involuntarios, incluida la terapia electroconvulsiva; aislamiento; restricciones y la anticoncepción forzada.

Encadenar a las personas con problemas de salud mental es ilegal en Indonesia, sin embargo sigue siendo una práctica generalizada y brutal.


Ministro británico de Trabajo y Pensiones dimite en protesta por recortes en las prestaciones a personas con discapacidad

Iain Duncan Smith, ministro británico de Trabajo y Pensiones ha presentado esta tarde su dimisión en protesta por los recortes en las prestaciones a personas con discapacidad contenidos en los presupuestos presentados el miércoles pasado, que incluyen un recorte anual de 1.300 millones de libras (1.200 millones de euros) en ayudas a personas dependientes.

7 de marzo de 2016

Famdif deberá devolver una subvención

La Federación de Asociaciones Murcianas de Personas con Discapacidad Física (Famdif) deberá devolver una subvención por no destinarla a su fin.


4 de marzo de 2016

Berta Cáceres asesinada

La dirigente indígena hondureña Berta Cáceres de 43 años y madre de cuatro hijos, fue asesinada la madrugada de hoy cuando se encontraba en su habitación por un grupo de sicarios que derribaron la puerta de su vivienda a primera hora de la madrugada y le dispararon repetidamente.

La dirigente, que ya había recibido amenazas de muerte de poderosos terratenientes locales y de compañías mineras o de energía, contaba con medidas cautelares de la Comisión Interamericana de los Derechos Humanos (CIHD).

1 de marzo de 2016

@LolaCorralesP es el twitter de Lola Corrales, Presidenta de la Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio.

@LolaCorralesP es el twitter de Lola Corrales, Presidenta de la AsociaciónAfectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio.


Lola Corrales - Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome

Lola Corrales was born in Madrid, Spain in August 1958. Lola suffered of polio at the age of 13 months, during an epidemic. She was not vaccinated, because Franco's dictatorship (1939-1975) only used Salk anti polio vaccine for rich and friends of the Government, but not for the rest of the population. Besides, Franco's dictatorship was the opinion “Salk vaccine is not good, because cause polio”.

In autumn 1998, Lola Corrales knew through internet about the post-polio syndrome, since the Spanish Administration (the Ministry of Health, among others), although already knew the existence of the Post-Polio Syndrome, kept silence about it. Afterwards she worked one and a half year with a polio survivors group.

Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio was established by Lola Corrales and eight other polio survivors in February 2000. Since then, the Association has achieved national dimension and has changed the lives of many people with polio.

We have addressed several proposals to the Spanish Parliament, as well as several written questions to the Council and Commission of the EU. Furthermore interviews in television, radio and newspapers, all related to the polio and post-polio syndrome.

In December 2003, we have also filed a criminal complaint before the Criminal Court in Madrid, regarding felony for intentional injury that brings about the polio and post-polio syndrome, which was admitted by the Trial Court, having appreciated indications of crime. After a lengthy process, in April 2008, the Provincial Court of Madrid decided the provisional dismissal and file of the case, but mentioning the important historical information contained in the complaint.

Currently several members of the Association, have individually filed complaints before the National Court, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights.

Since 2000, Lola Corrales is President of the Asociación Afectados de Polio y Síndrome Post-Polio.