9 de octubre de 2013

Commissioner Muižnieks: Austerity measures weaken human rights protection in Spain.

Impact of the economic crisis and fiscal austerity measures on persons with disabilities. 

The Commissioner is worried about the serious impact that budgetary cuts have had on the living conditions of these persons and their social inclusion. No impact assessment of budgetary cuts on persons with disabilities has yet been carried out. The Commissioner is concerned about shortcomings in the implementati on of the 2006 law on personal autonomy and care for dependency, such as the strict categorisation of persons with disabilities according to their levels of diagnosed disability.

Austerity measures weaken human rights protection in Spain 

The Commissioner is also concerned by the fact that the economic crisis and financial restrictions have had a detrimental impact on most programmes and policies aimed at promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities on an equal footing with others, including measures to improve accessibility to general services.