11 de noviembre de 2013

EUROPEAN UNION - Cross-border healthcare: patients’ rights.

The freedom to receive health services throughout the European Union must be accompanied by guarantees of quality and security. In order to make an informed choice, patients must be able to access all the information they require on the conditions under which they will receive healthcare in another EU Member State and the conditions under which they will be reimbursed once they return home.

Under this Directive, patients from Member States of the European Union will be able to travel to a different country other than their own to receive healthcare treatment, paying for the services they receive and subsequently applying for reimbursement from their own country, under certain conditions and, in the case of certain treatments, following prior authorisation. The spirit of this Directive is a response to the free circulation of people, goods and services within the EU.

Over the coming weeks, Spain will complete the transposition of this Directive into Spanish legislation by publishing a Royal Decree establishing rules to guarantee cross-border healthcare. This Royal Decree is already in the final stages of being processed and, following the ruling from the State Council, it will be approved at the Council of Ministers.