17 de julio de 2014

Somalia: Polio outbreak killed an elderly in Mudug

Somalia July 15, 2014

New polio outbreak killed an elderly in Mudug region of central Somalia according to Puntland Health Ministry, Garowe Online reports.

Speaking on Puntland-based independent station, Radio Garowe during Tuesday interview, the Director of Puntland's Ministry of Health Dr. Abdirisak Hirsi Hassan said, elderly man succumbed to the virus in Towfiiq village which lies south of the provincial capital of Mudug, Galkayo.

Dr. Hassan added 'two persons in Towfiq also developed paralysis as a result of new polio outbreak in Puntland's southern border with south-central regions'.

Expressing concern about the polio case, Puntland's Ministry of Health Director urged the locals to comply with upcoming immunization campaign that would target elderly people.